Travelin' On

A place to post updates along our journey.


Weight (Goal 169lbs)

    title "Weight" 
    x-axis [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32] 
    y-axis "lbs" 165 --> 200
    line [196.6, 196.0, 194.6, 193.6, 192.0, 191.4, 191.0, 190.6, 189.8, 189.2, 189.2, 188.4, 187.2, 187.0, 186.6, 185.2, 183.8, 183.8, 183.6, 184.8, 185.2, 186.8, 186.6, 184.4, 184.8, 185.2]
    bar [196.6, 196.0, 194.6, 193.6, 192.0, 191.4, 191.0, 190.6, 189.8, 189.2, 189.2, 188.4, 187.2, 187.0, 186.6, 185.2, 183.8, 183.8, 183.6, 184.8, 185.2, 186.8, 186.6, 184.4, 184.8, 185.2]
Day No. Date Weight (lbs)
1 9/7 196.6
2 9/8 196.0
3 9/9 194.6
4 9/10 193.6
5 9/11 192.0
6 9/12 191.4
7 9/13 191.0
8 9/14 190.6
9 9/15 189.8
10 9/16 189.2
11 9/17 189.2
12 9/18 188.4
13 9/19 187.2
14 9/20 187.0
15 9/21 186.6
16 9/22 185.2
17 9/23 183.8
18 9/24 183.8
19 9/25 183.6
20 9/26 184.8
21 9/27 185.2
22 9/28 186.8
21 9/29 186.6
22 9/30 184.4
23 10/01 184.8
24 10/02 185.2
25 10/03
26 10/04
27 10/05
28 10/06

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